SIM900 GSM Shield Firmware Update
Caution: There is a risk of damaging the SIM900 module when updating the firmware. Be careful to process.
All you need:
CP2102 module or FTDI module,Arduino main board, Jumper wire,DC9V power supply
sim900 Customer flash loader, SIM900 Firmware
Hardware connection:
- Plug SIM900 GSM shield on Arduino main board, and remove the jumper on JP1,JP2.
- Connect CP2102 module TX pin with JP2 PIN2(TX) with jumper wire, RX pin with JP1PIN2(RX) with jumper wire.
- CP2102 GND connect with GSM shield GND.
- Connect CP2102 module to your computer USB port.and DON'T power the Arduino main board.
Updating firmware:
1. Open Sim900 Customer flash loader.exe
2. Click "Browse", and open .cla firmware file.
3. Select COM port and set Speed: 460800
4. Click "Start" And power the Arduino main board when show message:"Please power up the target". And long press sim900-power button until the state LED "S" lights up. LED "N" start blink.
5. Keep waiting when show message"Flash erasing, Please wait". Will cost about 4 minutes to finish the firmware update.
6. When "Download done", Firmware updating done.